This is a musical... with Anna Kendrick... so I was thinking, "Awsome!" I love her voice, and she's a great actress, and a fun person, so I came into this with really high expectations. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't as good as I was hoping for. I also went into it completely blind. I didn't even read reviews before I watched it, so the timeline mix-up (which was really cool, but confusing at first) messed me up, a lot.
Cathy (Kendrick) is an up and coming actress. She falls in love with an up an coming, Jewish novelist named Jamie (Jordan). Her songs start at the end of their relationship and work backward. His start at the beginning and work forward. The whole thing ends in the middle when he proposes. The deconstructed timeline made the movie, once you figure it out.
They are two dreamy artists, so the love is fast and intense, but loses its substance when things get tough, and Jamie cheats on her, ending their marriage. It's a bit of a cliche, but probably happens more often than not. They are both so frustrated with their struggles in trying to make it in their perspective careers, that they lose touch with each other.
The music was good. Mr. Jordan is in the new Supergirl series, so it was fun to watch him sing. I was impressed. Mrs. Kendrick's voice was beautiful, as expected. However, none of the songs really stood out for me. I love musicals because singing is a talent I truly wish I had, but truly don't. I did theater all through high school, and my drama teacher would always make a spectacle of how horribly I sing. So, when I watch a show like this, with talent like this one had, I want something that will stick with me. Sadly, the repeating melody is mundanely present throughout. There weren't any ups and downs.
There is quite a bit of language throughout, and they even belt out the "F" word. I'm sad that Hollywood is doing that in every PG-13 movie now.
In all, I'd give it
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