Saturday, January 9, 2016


     This is Qball.  My best friend, Shane, invented this cool little microphone/dodge ball.  I was supposed to post this in September, but I wasn't posting at all.  He's doing a really great program where you can donate money to give Qballs to underprivileged schools.  You can donate here.

    My family did a few commercials for him, so I thought I'd share those today.  My kids are in the classroom shots, and Michelle and I are in the video conference clip.  I'll post the vids below, but for now, talk to your boss, your school, your hotel, whatever, about this.  It's a really fun, cool way to do classrooms/conference settings.  My kids wanted us to buy a Qball after they did the commercials because they had so much fun with it.  It's a great teaching aid.  It's a great communication tool.  And, I have to admit, it's fun to play with.

     If you're a teacher, and you would like one of these for your classroom, bring it up in your next staff meeting.  He does discounts for schools and multi-purchase discounts.  If you want one for yourself, or your office, they are pretty affordable. 

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