Saturday, January 30, 2016

Dealing With a Chronic Illness

     I haven't posted for a few days because I've been dealing with a number of things. I've been ill, mostly with head stuff, and it's been difficult to even look at my laptop because of migraines.  I think I may be having problems with my polycythemia again, but I really don't want to go into the doctor's right now.  I know it sounds weird, but you get to the point that you just don't want to see them anymore. At any rate, this quote really hit me because it's so true.  Even the people closest to you who truly see what you are going through become numb or desensitized to your daily struggle, and the end result is a lack of understanding.  People's expectations can become crushing weights that mire your soul in a pit of despair, depression, and a general sense of self-worthlessness.  If you know somebody with a chronic illness, no matter how well they seem to be doing, tell them you love them, and you're proud of how much they do.  It can mean the world of difference to a person who is suffering in their private world of purgatory, all alone.

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